Bittersweet Times
I thought I better start my blog before I leave because I know I'm going to have lots of questions from my relatives on how to access it and it's much easier for me to help with that before I leave. I know many of you are confused about what a blog (or "G-H-U-G" as some people call it) even is so hopefully this will help.
I know lots of you are wondering where I'm going to be and what exactly I'll be doing for the next two years. At this point, most of the information I have is pretty basic because those decisions won't be made until I'm down there. I leave on June 23 for training in Lima, Peru. My training lasts until September 1, at which point (if all goes well) I'll be sworn in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer and go to my site when I'll be serving for the next two years. My site could be anywhere from a few hours to a few days away from Lima. They decide on my site placement after various interviews with Peace Corps staff during training. From what I've heard, they take into consideration, my experiences and desires verses the needs of each site to try to determine the best match for everyone. Because I don't know yet where I'll be, I also don't know what exactly I'll be doing because the projects are different in each site. Our program has been labeled "Youth Development" by the Peace Corps. From what I've read, that means I'll be working with low income kids, anywhere from elementary to high school age, helping them to find alternatives to life in the streets. Unfortunately, more than half the population in Peru lives on less than $2 a day so many of these kids either don't go to school, or go to school and then stay in the streets until very late at night trying to sell things to make a little extra money for their families. We want to help these students set personal goals for themselves and learn job skills so they can acquire more meaningful jobs. Since I love kids, this seems to be right up my alley. At the same time, it also feels a little intimidating and overwhelming because there is not much guidance along the way.
Considering I first started working on my application for the Peace Corps around this time last year, it's hard to believe I'll actually be in Peru in less than 3 months. Of course I'm really excited, but at the same time, it's hard to think about being gone for such a long time. I hope to be able to come home at Christmas at least one, if not both, years, but going home is at our own expense and air fare to Peru isn't exactly cheap (especially in comparison to the small stipend I'll receive). I know saying goodbye to Giff is going to be extremely difficult so I try not to think about that too much and just enjoy our last few weeks together.
I think a little anxiety is expected though since everything I know in my life is about to turn upside down. As crazy as that seems, it excites me in many ways and I know that I'll walk away from this experience as a better person with a greater outlook on life.