Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Address

Time is flying by (of course) and I have less than a week left with my parents before I fly to DC for orientation. I have to fly in a day early for orientation since I'm flying from the west coast and wouldn't be there in time otherwise. Although other volunteers are probably upset about this, I thought it was great news because it meant I could stay with Allie and squeeze in one last visit with Paula and the kids! I couldn't be happier! Hana and I are, of course, thrilled that we get to spend our last few nights in the country in DC with our friends. Orientation is done by 7 pm both nights so that leaves plenty of time to meet up with friends and get in all of our goodbyes before we leave for Peru on Friday the 23rd.

It's hard to believe I'm actually leaving since I've been waiting so long to go. We just got the email addresses of most of the people in our group so everyone is frantically writing to one another about what to pack. The most popular is debate is whether or not to bring a laptop. I thought seriously about bringing mine, but I figured it wasn't necessary since I don't even know if I'll have electricity. Also, I'm going to be living in a very low income neighborhood and if I bring a laptop everyone will know it. I just don't think I need to draw that kind of attention to myself. But one of the girls said her friend is currently serving in Peru and said her laptop was the best thing she brought. She said it's the number one thing volunteers have their friends or parents bring to them when they come visit. So who knows, maybe I'll get down there and find out it would be nice to have, in which case, I'll bring it back with me after Christmas (because hopefully I'll be coming home at Christmas!!). I'm not sure if the emails going around about packing are helping me or making me more stressed out and overwhelmed about packing. I thought I had a pretty good idea of what I was going to bring, but now I think I have to review and cut down A LOT. My new thought is that I'll lay out everything I think I want to bring and then choose half of my things. I can always have my mom send more, but I don't want to be the ridiculous girl who brought way too much stuff. Plus, if I use all 100 lbs. they've alloted us for packing (yes it went up - it used to be only 80 lbs!) then I'll probably tip over because we have to be able to carry all of our own stuff. It's nice to know all of my fellow volunteers are also freaking out about this same thing and feeling anxious about leaving in a few days.

The whole reason I sat down to write though was because I got my address in the mail and lots of people have been asking me for it. Hopefully that means you're all dying to send me care packages (in which case - I love granola bars, peanut butter, m&m's, and magazines) - ONLY KIDDING. The address listed below will be my address all through training, until September 1st when I move to my site. I'll let you know that address once I get it, but it won't be for a few months.

PCT Kristen Cummings
Cuerpo de Paz
Calle Vía Láctea 132
Urb. Los Granados, Surco
Lima 33, Perú
According to the volunteer handbook, letters and packages must be sent via regular international mail, but I'll let you know if that's not right. I'll try to write again before I leave and maybe post some pictures of the crazy packing experience. Don't forget to send me lots of emails (and letters or packages too if you have time) when I'm gone. Even if I don't answer them right away, I know I'll love to hear from all of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kristen! I'm glad to see that you are frantically packing! After watching you pack 12 bottles of wine in Jaqui's carry-on, I have all the faith in the world that you can get all you need in the appropriate amount of space!! My suggestion for the lap top is to bring it. Even if you don't use it for internet, you can use it to draw up development charts/plans. I think you would use it more than you expect. So, are your parents already planning to come visit you in Peru??

6:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kristen- You are handling the whole preparation and departure routine with amazing calm and organization. Whenever one leaves home for a day or for two years it always seems there is an overwhelming amount of work to do. Luckily, Dad and I will be here to mail whatever you need and to support you in what you are doing. Judging from the comments of all the former Peace Corps volunteers we know you are in for the ride of your life. Once you get to Peru and integrated into your new community the time will fly. We will look forward to seeing you at Christmas and also look forward to a trip to Peru with Susan and Bob.

12:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that you should bring your laptop - who knows, maybe you could write a book on your experience :)

I cannot believe you will be arriving in DC around the same time I arrive in Argentina. I will just have to come see you in Peru!

7:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

people seem to think you should bring your lap top. i, on the other hand, tend to agree with you: you don't want to bring too much and you don't want to draw extra attention to yourself. you can always write your memoirs or charts on paper. plus, if you decide you want your computer you can get in december. good luck with the packing!

7:27 AM


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