Friday, September 01, 2006

New Address (again) and Surprise Party!

I finally got my new address for the next two years so hopefully I won't be asking you to update your address book again for awhile. The post office I will have to go to is in the regional capital which is 4 hours away from my site so I'll probably only be checking it once or twice a month. This doesn't mean you shouldn't send me mail, just don't send anything that can't sit in the post office for a few weeks. I still love getting packages, letters and post cards so keep them coming! Don't worry if you sent something to my old address and I still haven't received it because they'll be forwarding that mail on to us, but please start using this one ASAP.

Kristen Cummings/Cuerpo de Paz
Casilla Postal No. 490
Serpost Cajamarca
Cajamarca, Peru

On another note, as many of you know, it's my 23rd birthday on Tuesday so my host mom had a little surprise party for me last night. She invited Hana and Lindsay over for dinner and cake. I had no idea she was planning this so I was really surprised. They sang happy birthday to me and before I ate cake she said a little toast for me and started crying. It was really sweet because I've never seen her cry the whole time I've lived here. She thanked me for all of the happy memories we've shared together and my positive attitude and energy I brought to the house. She said she loves having us, but the hard part is when we have to leave. I was really touched by it. She is so adorable!

I have so much more to say, but I need to leave now to get sworn in as an official volunteer! I don't know when I'll be updating again since I leave for my site tomorrow so I'll post this entry and write more when I can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kristen- Would it surprise you to know that as your mother this message brought tears to my eyes??? How thoughtful it was of "your mom" to do such a loving thing. You have indicated all along how special your family is - and this is further proof. It is wonderful to have such special treatment when so far from home. We look forward to hearing how the morning and afternoon programs went on Friday as well as the trip to Bambamarca on Saturday. Did all of you Trainees turned Volunteers party in Lima on Friday night or were you all too tired? We eagerly await further word.

12:38 AM

Blogger Auntie Rach said...

Happy Birthday Kristen! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I'm so excited for you! Keep your blog as updated as possible so we can get all the details! Can't wait to hear about your placement site!! xoxo, Rach

8:14 AM


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