Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And Now Some Pictures of the Rest of the Trip!

These are pictures from the drive to Colca Valley and the Colca Canyon. I already posted a few pictures from our day in Arequipa so I didn't post any here. I'm almost finished with the entry about that part of our trip so stay tuned!

A view from the car on the way to the Colca Canyon.

One of the MANY vicunas we saw in the National Reserve.

Some more glaciers we saw on our ride.

Mom and me just outside of Arequipa.

Dad and me with Chanchani in the background!

The three of us at 16,000 ft!

A beautiful view of the canyon.

Mom and me in the thermal baths at our lodge!

Looking good in our robes after the thermal was wonderful!

A view of our was luxury....if this is what Peace Corps would like I could easily make it two years!

Another incredible view!

Some typical landscape of the Colca Valley.

One of the many condors we saw at the Cruz del Condor.

Some more condors....

And another! Surprisingly, I wasn't even scared!

Mom and me (with a condor in the background) taking a break from picture taking. Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of FLYING birds???

Some of the MANY terraces (used for farming) that date back to the 7th century!

Awwww so cute!

What a setting! It doesn't get much better than this!

The gate leading into the town of Chivay (all of the towns in the Valley have these gates).

Having some tea in front of the Misti Volcano.

A picnic lunch on the way to Lampa.


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