Thursday, June 07, 2007

Lots and Lots of Photos!

Here are some pictures from our trip to the rainforest and a few from Arequipa. Mom and Dad both have a lot more so when I get them I'll post more, but for now, I wanted to get some up here. Enjoy!
Ready for the jungle in the COOL mosquito hat my parents bought for me (luckily I never had to wear it because my Dad lost his and had to use mine....oh darn).

A view of the Tambopata River from the airplane (we went about 80 km up river).

Mom and me enjoying our first lunch on the river....arroz chaufa in banana leaves (because they're biodegradable and you can throw them in the water when you're done).

The sunset as we were arriving at the lodge.

Our room - open to the rainforest (I'm pretty sure a bat was flying around our room the last night....I was excited).

The lodge at Refugio Amazonas.

The sunrise the first morning at the Clay Lick (waiting for the macaws to arrive).

One of the "chicos" (hand-raised macaws) landed on my shoulder.....I almost had a heart attack!

Mom eating termites because Gerson made us. He told us everyone has to do it, but asking around we found out were were the only ones who did....thanks Gerson!

An upclose shot of a macaw, another one of the chicos, who followed us on our hike for a little while.

Jaguar prints - this is as close as we got to one, although I like to pretend that I saw one.

Looking HOT in my jungle clothes while walking through about six inches of mud....thank god for the rubber boots!

Dad trying to manuever his way through the mud without dropping his paparazzi camera.

Awwww look how cute my parents are!

Two macaws and TONS of parrots - mostly chesnut bellied ones ;) - on the clay lick our last morning.

Gerson holding the frog he scared me with on our last morning. (This is right before it almost peed all over me!)

A view of Lake Titicaca from the airplane (we landed there before going to Arequipa, but we're not visiting it for a few more days).

Another beautiful shot from the airplane.

Landing in Arequipa - look at the mountains in the background!

Mom, me, and Dad with the terraces and Misti volcano (Arequipa) in the background.

Visiting the Santa Catalina convent.

Posing with our new tour guide....hahaha....we miss Gerson!

Out for hot chocolate and crepes...yum! And yes, I'm sporting my new baby alpaca scarf.


Blogger Peruvian Sis said...

Beautiful Pictures! I'm so glad you and your parents are having a great trip.


8:55 PM


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